Last night I was woken up several times by rain and wind pounding my house. Add that to the rain we have had this past week.... my "favorite" local trails are going to be un-ride-able without making trail conditions worse. I am not a prude when it comes to not riding a wet trail, however I am against riding in conditions that will help erode and destroy a trail. So when I knocked off work... I decided to head to the only trail I know that has lots of rock, crushed rock, roots, etc... but very little sections that would be hurt by riding.
I avoid this trail most of the time... It is more or less boring to me on the FS or even the Soma when geared. But today, with the wet conditions, it proved to be a fun challenge. Yes... there was a crash-ish type thing. I stayed on my feet, but the Garmin mount is now broke. I also came to an abrupt stop that resulted in my bars being knocked out of alignment... I ended up in the Morito River for a bit... I had a small vine on multiple occassion wrap around my arm while I was at speed.... some ripped skin and raw skin from those... and one good shot to the head where I just didn't get low enough under a fallen tree.... Today's ride had it all.
But lets face it, I am not a word smith and you wanna see picture with captions, not an essay.
Here you go...
Haha - this is the river crossing and suddenly I realize the trail on the other side isn't there.... crap.
It doesn't appear to be too deep so I rode down the river until.........
Oh shit, it's deeper
Glamour shot from
At this point, one arm is a tad bloody, the other is irritated where vines wrapped around it at speed.... yup... that sucks.
Refreshment time.....
Ont he way home.... new temple (to me)
Home.... 12:01 - I am not drinking in the morning.....
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