Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hello Sexy!!! Sometimes you can fall in love with the same bike again with just a little switch...

I have been lacking some motivation lately...  Rain, Heat, Spider Webs, & Giant Hornets.
It is the same me and the same bike...  Lovely and wonderful, but the same bike.  Of my MTBs, the Soma is the only one getting love right now.  I have not ridden my niner in a LONG time.  Honestly, I miss it, however I am trying to stay focused on the SS and road bike.

With my lust for the Soma waning... it was time for change.  I cannot justify any more money, so it is time for Musical wheels.  My Niner and Soma use the same axle standards, so the wheels are all interchangeable.  My Salsa is still all QR, so nothing compatible there.

I have traditionally run Sun/Ringle Chargers on the Soma and Hope Hubs/Stans Flow rims on the Niner and a set of Easton Wheels as the emergency backup set for both bikes.  The weekend I got sick a month or so ago, a buddy borrowed my Niner.  The tires on the eastons are far less agressive then the hopes and we knew it to be 50/50 on/off road, so I switched the wheels out and the Hopes were just sitting unused.

Tonight, for future motivation, I took the Sun/Ringles off the Soma and put the Hopes on...  A quick test ride to make sure all was well...  I am ready to hit a trail now!  Super stoked to play with my new setup of old parts I already had.



Moving from the red hubs with white rims to the black/black setup makes the bike look a bit more the business.  The big 2.4 tire upfront makes it look mean as well, but probably not the most efficient setup.  But if it is fun - it is a win.

Now I can't wait to hop on the trails tomorrow if the rain hold off...

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